Normally, these year end recaps are part a celebration of things that give me joy (travel, art, music, food) and reflection on the work that I find meaningful and occupies my days (somewhere at the intersection of design, technology, culture, and progress).
This mess of a year was always going to be a bit different — and then it lost control.
It’s hard to say anything about the events of this year briefly — COVID, police brutality, the election —and without being pessimistic or angry. The year has left me fairly dispirited about big picture issues.
Inequities and injustices, rooted primarily in race, but also other forms of privilege, as it plays out in education, health outcomes, policing, housing, etc., is one reason for pessimism. But it’s more fundamental failures of institutions and leaders at so many levels that’s really concerning.
The disparity in outcomes this year was stark. Two months of non-stop ambulance wails across Bed Stuy drives it home. As does how COVID hits the extended community of a NYC public school teacher vs. the community of brand name tech, design, and media professional networks. And, clearly, the failures of a confused, self-deluding American public vs. other countries to navigate the pandemic and the crisp choice in character, competence, and priorities during the election does as well.